Intelligent Education

Chipintelli follows the design principle of "chip as solution," where the chip possesses MCU capabilities and can serve as the main controller, offering flexible and convenient application integration into products, thereby reducing development and hardware costs.

Intelligent Education

Chipintelli follows the design principle of "chip as solution," where the chip possesses MCU capabilities and can serve as the main controller, offering flexible and convenient application integration into products, thereby reducing development and hardware costs.

  • Main controller solution

    Can act as the main controller with lower costs.

  • Single-chip solution

    Allows for direct control of relevant peripherals using a single-chip solution, replacing the original MCU.

  • Flexible IO resources

    Can be used for functionality expansion.



Storybook player

Intelligent speaker


By providing a one-stop intelligent solution that includes development platforms, software, and hardware,
product mass production can be achieved in as fast as 15 days.

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